SEEDS OF VICTORY – Monday, 21st January 2019
Your Protection is Guaranteed With Apostle Joseph Ziba
Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as you have: for he has said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. Hebrews 13:5
One of the things that the devil strives to do when you are passing through the waters is to convince you that you’re left alone— God is not with you.
You must, however, be assured from the Scripture above that God cannot and will never leave you nor forsake you. Therefore, right in the waters I want you to see God.
In Psalms 27:5 the Bible beautifully puts it:
”For in the time of TROUBLE he shall HIDE me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he HIDE me; he shall set me up upon the rock.”
You see, God conceals and covers you right in the trouble such that the devil cannot touch you. Therefore, don’t let any situation blind you from what God does. Right in the calamity you must smile and say “He said He’ll never live me nor forsake me”.
When you are in trouble, the mistake that you can do is to see and amplify the situation rather than God. If you do that you’ll open a door for the enemy to finish you up.
But I want you to embarrass him. If he thinks that you’ll forget the hand of God during hard times, do the opposite of what he thinks. Celebrate the God who’s with you and the enemy will flee from you.
I am so secure. No situation can overcome me. I abide under the shadow of my Mighty Father. He hides me in His pavilion therefore the devil and his cohorts cannot touch me. My protection is guaranteed. In the name of Jesus!
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